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  Cabbage Napa Kimchi.Baechu Pogi Kimchi. 

 배추포기 김치

* Prep time : 30-40 minutes

  cooking time : 30 minutes

  total : 60-70 minutes


Kimchi Benefit? 

Well-fermented kimchi is known to have antibiotic functions such as lactic acid bacteria produced in the fermentation process which then suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria. It also helps to prevent the growth of other bacteria in the intestines. For meat eaters, kimchi also helps to prevent hyperacidity that is the result of excessive meat intake and other acidic foods.                  

Kimchi is well-fermented food. Kimchi is known to have antibiotic functions such as lactic acid bacteria produced in the fermentation process which then suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria. It also helps to prevent the growth of other bacteria in the intestines. For meat eaters, kimchi also helps to prevent hyperacidity that is the result of excessive meat intake and other acidic foods.                  

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